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Getting the most out of CM

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After having played CM for some time I feel that it is best not to buy your own units. Let the AI buy for you and see what happens, it is more fun and the going can get very tough! Damn no tanks and that tiger is over defending that hill. That way you have to use sound tatctics to win and you will learn in to process. Wich helps you when you fight human oponents.

And Icelanders are the best soldiers..... smile.gif I bet you didn't know that.

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Heres some tips for getting the best out of the AI during meeting engagements:

1: remove all victory flags

(this way theres no sudicidal attacks on useless patches of ground plus you dont know where AIs going to attack)

2: Split all the squads of both sides

(this hightens the tac AI reactions of the split squads giving them more realistic self preservation. Lower global moral results so sides do not fight until distintigration. Also it gives less abstraction of infantry.)

3: put an exit zone frendly to you on the map edge thats behind where your side starts.

(discovered by accident I found the AI actually advances and attacks with exellent good scense in its efforts to defend the exit zone behind you. Miles better than blindly attacking VLs or the general center of the map.)


These may seem rather weird ideas but believe me they work. I'm an experienced CM player who is lucky to get a draw against the attacking AI forces which are of axproximatly equal points to my own. The AI behavior overall is more real. No more turkey shoots. No more going "you fools(yawn)" now I go "You Bastards!"

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