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Pausing artillery

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Germanboy, don't think for a second that a creeping barrage ever killed every last defender

Sorry, my bad. I was talking about the heavy concentrations that obliterated the place before the PBI waltzed in - pepperpots or whatever they were called, where basically all guns capable of indirect fire were aimed at a target area to pound it into dust. Agreed about barrages, upon re-reading. Would only be realistic if CM2 delivers more fortifications though (fortified houses, deeper foxholes/trenches etc.)



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by Abteilung:

Why are there spotters for 14" naval cannon?

Because that's how it worked in real life?

One of the problems on Omaha Beach was that the naval fire control party that landed with the first wave got annihilated. This meant that accurate naval gunfire support was impossible until a couple destroyers went in to what was in effect point blank range where they could spot their own fire. The heavy undercast prevented them from using spotter aircraft.

As for later in the campaign, I suppose spotter aircraft were more likely to be used, but they still had FC parties on the ground.


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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

...a creeping barrage with timed lifts would be, if simulated correctly, an interesting tool to be able to use. The concentrations along the line of the bombardment were usually brief, and the barrage lifted at regular intervals.

I've been assuming all along that BTS is going to have to come up with something like this for CM2, since that's about the only way that the Soviets employed artillery. That is to say, not necessarily 'creeping barrages' per se, but pre-set fire plans, often of great complexity. Not much in the way of on-call fires.


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Originally posted by Goofy:

... when I try to determine accuracy of time vs quality of spotter. Some times ... it seems to get stuck on a time and not move ...

I've noticed this to happen with the very large calibre arty that has a low ROF.

My guess is that in CM the clock doesn't count down during reloading, for some strange reason. (Can anyone explain why the FO can't do calculations while the battery reloads? He should be able to prepare everything up to the first spotting round.)




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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

I've noticed this to happen with the very large calibre arty that has a low ROF.

My guess is that in CM the clock doesn't count down during reloading, for some strange reason.

I doubt it is that - I always thought it was a simulation of the lower availability and loss of control by the local CO over high calibre arty.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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