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Someone stole your sounds from Combat Mission

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A ww2 mod for Half Life stole your sounds. I won't go into details, but various sounds for weapons, and Germans speaking, were stolen. You can download the mod here:

War In Europe mod site

Now, I personally would think this is a big deal, but I don't know if it is to you guys. I would sue them, if it was my property, and stolen. Or, they could have already asked you to use the sounds. If they did, I apologize.

Note: You have to have Half=Life to play the mod, and verify that what I'm telling you is right. However, I'm not lying, but I know you'll want to verify this for yourself. The map I played was a omaha beach type map, and the sounds might only be on it, so make sure you test out that appropriate map.

The mod sucked so bad, I didn't play any others.

Figured you might want to know about this.

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BTW, just who do I email this information to directly, so the creators (BigTime Software), know about this infringement on their copyrighted material?

I couldn't find this info anywhere on the website...sorry for my stupidity. :D

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What does that mean?

If you don't believe me just say so. It is true, however, and I am just letting them know.

I do this, because I payed for Combat Mission, and loved the game. I hate to see their game being used inappropriately.


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