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DD.....have a question (or request) about your grass mod.

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First of all...your grass, tree and terrain mods are really fantastic! Now to my question....is there a way to get either a grid or hex overlay for your grass? I have trouble gauging elevation at times and the terrain mod I used in the past really helped out in that regard. TIA!


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I've written a Java-based utility that will add grids to any terrain.

It supports as many gridlines as you'd like, and you can specify the thickness of each so you can get major- and minor- grids if you'd like.

You can specify the color for each elevation. Transparency is supported, and may vary either by elevation or by grid-line.

I wrote this because I was using either DD's or DesertFox's terrain and missed the grids I'd had. Plus, I wanted very subtle grids that didn't distract from the scenery when viewed from view level 4 or higher. I'm very happy with the results; anyone wanna host a screenshot?

I've sent it to MadMatt to get his feedback; while I'm not ready to release it to everybody I'm willing to let terrain modders have a look....just e-mail me, please -- don't clutter the forum.

(Requires Java 2 plus Java Advanced Imaging. I have a readme I can post that has all the details, if anybody's interested....)

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