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MG Pillbox - multiple targets?

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A post by The_Capt on MG beaten zones produced an interesting side topic on MG pillboxes. I did a search (subject only--all text timed out) and this has been tangentially and very briefly discussed once before, but no response by BTS or much feedback from others.

MG pillboxes possess three MGs compared to one in the wooden bunker. However, the three MGs don't seem to be able to have independent targets. Therefore, the MG acts as one "super" MG and they expend three ammo points per burst. This might be fine at long ranges where one target can be suppressed and then the pillbox can move on, but at close ranges it is a handicap.

From my experience, a tank's bow MG can target a separate unit when the turret is turned away. Since pillboxes are treated as immobile vehicles, I would think the same logic could be applied (obviously there's no turret, but you get the idea) to them.

The point costs of reg. HMG 42, wooden bunker, MG pillbox are 28, 44, 76. The low point difference between single MG bunker and three-MG pillbox supports the idea that there is a single gun in the pillbox.

I am wondering if there was an oversight at some point in the design of MG pillboxes. If they do have three MGs, then I would suggest they be able to target at least two different units at once (preferably three) and have a higher point value OR have only one MG (which is fine with me), fire one "ammo point" per burst, and cost the same or slightly less in points.

I know BTS has said that they plan to enhance fortifications in CM:BB. Will this be addressed in CM:BB or at some point in the future? Have others noticed this issue?

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