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What's everyone's fave stug and panzer iv mod?

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i have tiger's brown panzer iv and black stug.

pretty as they come when they are paired.



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I don't know if I'd call it "black", but I also use the dark grey StuG mod (with foliage).

I've done my own modification of the StuG IV texture, though, to get the correct set of wheels. (Tiger's StuG IV looks exactly like a StuG III.)

(Oh, and for PzKw IV I use Tiger's latest yellow with sprayed camo dots.)



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Guest MantaRay

My favorite Stug mod is now called King Tiger. My favorite Pz IV one is called second King Tiger. You should see how great they look!!! smile.gif


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I still use both from MDMP2. The PzIV is just great, the StuG is very good except sides/tracks.

I tried recent Tiger mods, but find them too light and bright. I liked the more visible Tiger's StuG side (the one in MDMP is really dark...) but wasn't able to mix the mods...

When DFDR mod will be up however Tiger's mods will make great Desert camoed tanks smile.gif

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