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CM2 morale suggestion


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I chatted about this with some friends of mine at the local #pub, and it seems that this haven't been talked about here earlier, at least in some months wink.gif

If I have got it right, now the system is like this: there are 2 different hidden morale levels, your troops can be "normal" or fanatic. Now what I am suggesting is that there would be more morale levels for different times.

For example lets say there is 10 different morale levels (not named, just a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 would be something like... hmm chikens, and 10 the defenders of Stalingrad. Now, the effect of this morale level is clear. If you have high morale troops, they wont break as easily, while the level 1 troops will run even before they see the enemy smile.gif Something like the effect of troop quality to morale...

The level would be time dependant, and randomized to some extent, so that if you play at, say, winter 43, as the Russians, you would be very likely to get a high morale troops. Also there could be a setting of over ruling this for the competitive players.

This is one of my first posts, but I hope for some opinions on this.

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I agree that there could be more fantacisim levels, but 10 is alot. Maybe, Recruit(-1), Vetran(+1), and lifer, er...expirianced(+2). Because once you combine troop quality with the fantacisim factor, you can get some crazy reactions. For example a Concript troop will panic very quickly in a combat sitiuation, but if the fantacisim for the troops in that battle was +1, then they could all be panicing, but they wouldn't run away. Coolness under fire is a very difficult thing to produce in a game, as different people react differently to different things. In my mind vehicles should be able to panic, I don't see how a Stuart against 10 King Tigers wouldn't panic, I sure as hell would.


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Well, I would do the opposite, with having no levels at all, having a sliding scale(?), that is. And I don't know is it so strange to have conscript troops that wont run away, they are just doing nothing. And level 7 (the original 1-10 scale) could be something like a bit above avarage, not superhero. That means that conscripts would run away indeed.

I dont know if you got it wrong, but I mean that this morale level (maybe fanatism level?) would be _in addition_ to the level gotten from the quality of the troop, not replasing it. (like the fanatisim is now, at least I suppose so)


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Just to make my point a bit clearer...

How did I came up to this idea? Well, what was the difference when summer changed to winter, and the Russians got the advantage to their side? Well, the most important thing, ofcourse, was the winter equipment of the russians compared to the no winter equipment of the Germans. But for single battles the difference between the equipments wasn't _that_ big. So lets have a time dependant morale. Now during the winters the Russians will fight better, and the germans will withdraw more often, and when summer comes, the sides are switched. To me this sounds like what it _realistically_ were (ofcourse I am no grog, so their opinions would be highly valued...)

Hope this helps to understand me a bit better.


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Guest aka PanzerLeader

Maybe, yeah. That way you could model "war exhaustion" well. So that even veteran troops could panic and run away if they've had too much over the last few weeks...And conscript troops could resist and fight to the death despite their poor training and experience.

Making globalizations such as "German troops' fanatism level drops to 3 because it's snowed" is a bit too unfair IMHO. I think you'd have to make it scenario specific, or an option the player can turn on/off for QBs.

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You can already do this pretty easily. You've got 6 experience levels and 5 different fanaticism settings. If you make people vet but normal, they will be steady under light fire, react quickly to orders, shoot well, but still break under pressure. If you make them Green but 50% fanatic, they will get lightly pinned more easily, shoot worse, take much longer to react to orders, but many of them will fight to the last man. And types will mix, since which act "crazy reckless brave" is random, while how fast they answer orders is well known to their commanders - realistically.

You can also produce effects like this by varying the HQ abilities. If all the commanders have no command bonus, more units will be out of command distance more often, with lower reaction times as a result. Higher ones, the reverse. High HQ morale ratings will stiffen anybody, and also create second-wind effects, where men break but rally fast as soon as the HQ comes over.

Scenario designers can do all kinds of things with the existing levers. A lot more than just rate everyone on a single scale of "good" to "bad".

Incidentally, if you want to see an example of using these effects, offer to playtest a new scenario of mine - LOL. It is called "the kids" and is set in April 1945. If you are interested, mail me.

I am also looking for testers for another one - Get the Guns, set in the Ardennes. That is a shameless plug - LOL.

I hope this is interesting.

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Another point I would like to point out (hmm, my english isn't too good today...) smile.gif

This would be a perfect way to model the defending of stalingrad, for example. The equipment, and the men were exactly the same _before_, and _during_ the fight of Stalingrad, but the morale was different.


The globalisation of morale works to some extent, but it is true, that it is unfair to the competitive players to have random morale, or morale dependant of time. Except time dependant morale could affect the point system too... But for me, playing for fun & realism, this would be perfect.

Also the player could see the global morale rating to some extent: a good commander knows what his mens are thinking, also maybe a bonus for good commanders to know ones troop morale better?


I see leaders command rating as differen thing than the morale of troops.

I didn't know about the levels of morale available in CMBO, I tried to do a search, but it wasn't working at the moment... But this idea is slightly differen from what it is now. And send me the scenario smile.gif Anybody want to play it with me?

See you at the #pub, I'll be there chatting about this, and a lot else too wink.gif


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Guest aka PanzerLeader

Apa, you can change ur email address by changing your profile. At the upper right hand corner of the screen, near "Post New Topic", there is "Profile". This is where you go to change any data about yourself(password, email address, location, etc).

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