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BUG! Instant smoke if the turn ends?

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I've noticed this before but it just cost me LOS for one of my bazookas in a PBEM, so I'm mad. It seems that instead of fulfilling the complete time delay for an AFV smoke round, if the 60 second action phase ends during that delay, then the smoke is instantly produced at that point.

This means that my opponent's PzIV smoked my guy about two seconds after the round hit the ground, instead of giving him one or two more shots at the start of the next turn. Obviously I would like to see that time delay "saved" and continued into the next turn.

Just wanted to bring this to BTS' attention for consideration.

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This is an interesting observation, Dschugaschwili, because I thought that the firing delay of units was saved from turn to turn.

That is, if an AFV is engaged and is just about to fire again at the end of a turn, doesn't that timer get saved? Doesn't he fire right away next turn rather than start a whole new delay? Just my offhand recollection, but I thought I had noticed this with infantry, AT guys, etc, also.

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Firing delays of units ARE saved between turns. What you are seeing is the game resolving arty shells that are "In Flight" at the end of 60 seconds. Currently the game allows them to impact before the next turn commences. The same thing applies to the smoke shells as they effecively havent "exploded" yet. The game goes ahead and allows them to "plum" if the time expires.

To save time, and processor power we allow shells in flight or that are still active (smoke shells that havent yet plummed fully) to resolve their action before the next turn.

I do not know if this will be changed in CM2 or not. I will find out.


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Thanks, Matt, I'll be looking for your reply. As far as I can tell, this issue and the problem with the second PBEM plotter seeing the enemy units' new stances/AFV-buttoning status are the only totally unfair PBEM conventions that need changing.

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