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Does a Pre-LOS Target Command Improve Spotting?

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My apologies if this has already been covered. Here's the situation: At the end of a turn, my tank is about to come over a ridge to meet an enemy tank. My infantry are watching the enemy tank from the woods. I can give a target command to my tank to target the enemy tank.

If I give that order, will it improve the speed with which my tank will acquire the enemy tank in the next turn? If not, what effect does the order have?

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Originally posted by Leonidas:

My apologies if this has already been covered. Here's the situation: At the end of a turn, my tank is about to come over a ridge to meet an enemy tank. My infantry are watching the enemy tank from the woods. I can give a target command to my tank to target the enemy tank.

If I give that order, will it improve the speed with which my tank will acquire the enemy tank in the next turn? If not, what effect does the order have?

I know it will help the AI 'stick' to the target you want them to - if you have 2 tanks over the ridge, and don't target, the AI will pick whichever it wants, but if you specifically target one beforehand, it'll be more likely to fire at that one. I don't know if it increases acquisition time - it would make sense. A sort of "Ok, go up to that ridge, there should be an enemy tiger on the other side in front of you" order.

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