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I've found a page, which could some of you find quite interesting...sorry, in german.

From 'Vorwort' (translated with http://babelfish.altavista.com/translate.dyn)

The web page " German flight gyroscopes and flight disks " is not to present under any circumstances the UFO phenomenon with all its facets as such for discussion. Here only facts, sources and predicates collected and, in a short interesting documentation to the topic of Luftwaffe, were united. Some will ask themselves, have the chap nix better to do than with such a stuff to deal with itself? Nunja, in any case consider I it worth mentioning on it to report. In the media one is informed already enough on one side and influenced in its thinking. We are all old enough think I to be able to correctly einordenen in order their own judgement to form around events. I do not have myself for a long time considered, whether I am to set this web page on-line, in order the risk to be run as UFO crank or other be dismissed. Thus please spares me with senseless enamels. Constructional criticism is desired! If one deals with oneself with the topic third realm and its secret weapons, one is shifted all too by the overeager black-and-white philosophers into the " right corner ". Who with the topics and facts does not argue must the reproach of the historical falsification and manipulation of facts leave itself fallen. The following report (preface part of 2), " German flight gyroscopes gab's those? " and my note in addition, are this to clarify. It concerns here the public clearing-up in the sense of the discussion from facts. Here no historical operational sequence are mystifiziert, varnished or gentleman light! To hold remains, the Nazis was criminals, who were Germans outstanding aircraft manufacturers and scientists, that were to the major part in the NSDAP, but still for a long time no Nazis in the today's sense. But even the Nationalsozialistan was very much desired abroad, as long as they were the respective nation of importance and interest, to direct in order to carry out their own egoistic targets and the target embodied thereby in its condition can achieve the world.

Often the authenticity is doubted by testimonies, documents and photos. There are researchers in the UFO scene those states, the people named, Miethe, Habermohl and Belluzzo it would not have given and would have been further never Andreas Epp to nothing as a psychological case, whereby Intellegenz and insanity so close were situated nevertheless together!?. These statements miss to each reasonable basis and are just as naively as everything to believe which one are aufgetischt. Fact is that there were numerous new inventions in Germany; Some admit, others were concealed. Same applies to the today's time. Secrecies leave enough free space for speculations, assumptions, Phantastereien and Wichtigtuerei.


Deutsche Flugkreisel und Flugscheiben

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