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definition of gun/howitzer

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In less than three pages you have managed to show yourself as arrogant, rude and ill-manered. There are people here that have taken hundreds of posts to prove that to me.

Okay, it *appears* that all the ill-will in this thread was just caused by youthfull ignorance so assuming you can behave properly you will be allowed to stay.

Let me be clear on a few points.

You are in OUR home, your abuse the rules and your gone, no ifs and or butts.

This is your first and ONLY warning, I don't screw around anymore and its much easier for me to just ban a person than have to police the forum 24/7.

I see another vulgar word come out of your mouth in a post and again, it's bye bye. If your really 10 than you have plenty of time to grow up and learn to properly use bad language my son, here ain't the place.

So, behave yourself shootdodge and show some respect to those people that you flamed with a blantent disregard for etiquete. They know far more than you do.


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no maddmatt im in 10th year in school not ten years old (im actually 15) anyway just one last question people i saw a picture of a hummmel inna world war 2 book it says "the popular hummmel was a self-propelled gun that used its powefull 120mm howitzer to smash defences" so i assume the gun part mena t flat trajectory so why is its gun classed as a howitzer? is it because of its huge size or something else tongue.gif

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I am assuming that the Hummel mounted the (near) standard 150mm artillery howitzer hence the gun has the intermediate range and the propensity of firing at a high or flat trajectory at a lower velocity than a traditional "gun".

Picking a fight with Matt (with capitals even) may not be the best idea so let it be. Just helpful advice.

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And don't scream at me you when you have already been warned.

All I see is your shining lack of discussion skills.

Since you didn't heed my warning and its obvious you have no desire to change your ways its time to say goodbye.

Maybe I am overreacting, doesn't matter as last time I checked it had ADMINISTRATOR next to my name and next to yours it said "SMART ASS PUNK THAT RUBBED THE WRONG PEOPLE THE WRONG WAY".

I guess you know what happens when I see that?

You are hereby banned from posting here on the forum. You have repeatedly broken the agreement that you made when you registered here. As such you will no longer be permitted to post. If you try to circumvent this ban and post anyway we will contact your ISP and all other online agencies and report you for spamming which is illegal.


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