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OT: German games service providers

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Hi there, doing some work and I have a couple of questions for all you germans out there! Plleeaaase can you reply? Ta.

1) In your opinion, is GC Pro the biggest hard-core online gaming site in Germany? If yes, why? If not, which is the best/biggest and why?

2) what are the other good/big online gaming sites in Germany for hard-core online gaming and casual gaming (classic games like chess, quizzes and others).

3) I know that Deutsche Telekom launched an online gaming site, CMGA, which was supposed to compete with GC Pro but their URL now directs me to MightyGames. Is this their new name or has DT sold it to another company? What are they worth?

If anyoe can answer these questions, I'll make sure Germanboy doesn't go back home for a while, aren't you lot luck!

Please email ptyson@datamonitor.com



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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Guest Warphead-

1) I do not know

2) Never heard about it

3) What are you talking about?

We will send a Fieseler Storch with a sheep over to you when you keep him anyway. biggrin.gif

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