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Campaign Games Open?

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A few weeks ago their were some promising threads on attempts to fashion some sort of campaign-type games starting up.

I was just curios about them since I haven't heard much lately, and if possible, I would be interested in playing. As my surname suggests, I would prefer the germans, though any will work.

Also, are there any smaller groups doing ladders,tournaments, round robins, etc? The big games seem a little too daunting for a relative newbie like me =)


And King Xerxes looked to King Leonidas and spoke. "Our Archers will rain arrows down upon you to blot out the sun."

And King Leonidas replied: "Then we will fight in the shade."

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Well, mine is ongoing with nine players. Everyone has completed the first two fights and the third has been sent to everyone, as of today. The first was sent on the 15th, and we are doing about a game a week. The players write up regular AARs and I conclude each "round" with a lessons-learned report based on them and the range of performance seen.

The fights are still small, but slowly getting larger. Everyone is Americans, infantry-division forces - there is no way I could run two different "story lines" at once. The fights are against the AI. I just set up the German forces, then you use "stick to scenario defaults" (and full fog of war, obviously) for them, set up your own as you see fit within your assigned zones.

To give other would-be campaign runners a sense of the work, for the 3rd scenario I had 5 different .cmb files for the nine players. Each required only minor tweaking to represent the proper forces present, based on how that commander had done to date. I keep track of everyone's performance in each fight, and some of its experience effects, etc in a master text file that also serves as a contacts "rolladex" with email addies and such.

I can't take a number of new players at this time. But I planned on 10 players and one has dropped out, it seems, never sending back a result from the first fight. So if you can play the first couple of fights lickity-split, and give me AARs for them, I may be able to catch you up, still - but just you.

To do this, you need to send me an email with your email address spelled out in the body of the note, and stating your intention. Just having your addie on the header is not enough - put it in the file, typed out. Then we will have to do the back and forth quite quickly for the first couple of fights, so that you can finish the 3rd scenario around the same time as the others.

[This message has been edited by jasoncawley@ameritech.net (edited 02-26-2001).]

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