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I really like the Churchill VIII. What I love most is to hear the "expert" CM players tell others that the Churchill VIII is not so great, that just about anything can knock it out, and that if you play against anybody with any experience the Churchill is chud.

These experts envision a solitary Churchill, alone, defenseless, ready to be crushed by a oh-so-clever secret attack. They fail to see the companies of infantry, half-dozen PIATs and other support units that surround the Churchill. They do not see an actual THINKING opponent supporting and maneuvering this absolute MONSTER of a machine. It gives me chills to see a Tiger retreat out of sight when my Churchills come a-calling...whoa...where was I?

Oh, yeah.

I sincerely hope that those of you who think the Churchill VIII is overrated continue to do so.

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Hmmm... Just completed a 5000 pt monstergame. One area featured about a company of Brit infantry with support and 3 Churchies... Spent the time to pound that area with arty and paid the butcher's bill to drive off the infantry with an SS Mot company with some extra HMG's I ahd in the area. Once I had them clear, those slow moving titans tried to move back to their lines, but not fast enough for beaten down (but still combat effective), pissed off SS men with several fausts between them.

So yeah, it was expensive. But I bagged the better part of a company and a half of infantry either killer or rendered ineffective for the duration ofthe game and killed 3 churchies with a few turns of 81 and 3 hard charging platoons...

For every threat there is a counter threat. Big fat slow moving tanks in a meeting engagement or attack can almost always be stripped of infantry coverage. And then close assault or a shreck or zook and bye bye tank!

So what's my point? I'm not some great player sitting atop a bunch of ladders and I'm not saying that anything can kill anything, but I will say that every weapon system in the game is vulnerable to certain strategies. So in this case, plinking a heavily armored tank from range isn't the way to go... but there is a way to kill it... and every unit in the game.

[This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-22-2001).]

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Churchills are good tanks, but like anything they can be defeated with good tactics. I faced a Churchill with infantry support and kept the troops occupied with my infantry. In the meantime I had a Hetzer weaving in and out of cover taking potshots at the Churchills front while my JagPanther popped up on its flank to take it out with one shot.


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Churchills are meat to close assault, and they are so slow that even a Tiger can take a flank. Not that a Churchill is good tank, but it is not the Killer Diller by any means. In fact, being slow, I have run into situations were they are left behind the infantry and wallow in your back line rushing to catch up and meet your objectives by the end of the game.

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I like the Churchill VIII. This is the one with the 95mm, no?

It's great at dealing with enemy infantry positions, which is just what it was designed for. The gun has a bigger bang than a 75.

So what if the 95 isn't as good at taking out tanks? That's why you should have a balanced force including -good- AT assets.

The way I figure it, my units are there to support the infantry, so I'll choose the best thing for that job. (Play me and you'll usually see me with an SP Howitzer or some such)



The difference between infantrymen and cavalrymen is that cavalrymen get to die faster, for we ride into battle!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lucero1148:

I faced a Churchill with infantry support and kept the troops occupied with my infantry. In the meantime I had a Hetzer weaving in and out of cover taking potshots at the Churchills front while my JagPanther popped up on its flank to take it out with one shot.


Yeah, rub it in! wink.gif


Officer: Old man, vhere ist your Spinnink Vheel?!

Old man: My... my what?

Officer: Your Vheel! your Vheel! Vhere ist your Vheel?!

Old man: Oh, I am sorry, I do not eat meat, I am a vegetarian.

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Thanks for the follow-up posts and I am happy that most of you feel that the Churchill is not so powerful.

Trooper: The Churchill VIII is NOT (as you say)designed to be a tank buster, but the c-rounds (that come with all but a very few) can knock the paste out of most German Tanks. If the gun does not knock out the German tank, there is a good possibility of a dreaded "Gun Hit." Cheers.

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Oh, I'm fully aware of the shaped charge warhead's capability against a tank if the gunner can get said shaped-charge to contact with said target tank.

The problem is that at stand-off ranges, I'd put my money on an anti-tank AP round hitting me a lot faster than I would hit him.

I don't rely on it.



The difference between infantrymen and cavalrymen is that cavalrymen get to die faster, for we ride into battle!

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