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About three months ago, I re-formatted my hard drive. In the following weeks, I gradually got everything essential loaded back on and running to my satisfaction. Like a complete pranny, the one thing I didn't re-install was my anti virus software - in all my years of computing, I'd never had so much as a sniff of a virus; it seemed like something that could wait.

This morning, I finally got around to getting Mr Norton back into my system and - MAJOR SHOCK - lo and behold, an infected file was indicated. Further investigation showed it to be a CMBO download: operation meadow green.exe The virus detected was called "Bloodhound HybredCOM." Mercifully, although I had installed the scenario, I had not run it, it had consequently not caused any damage and therefore a simple delete solved the problem. A subsequent scan mercifully showed my PC to be completely pox free.

I would urge anyone on this board who has downloaded this scenario to check their system thoroughly and everyone reading this, if you wish to continue using this forum, I would strongly suggest that you have anti virus software installed. I thought rather naively, that it would be clean. It wasn't/isn't and I was very lucky to get away with it.

All the best, and take care,

Richard :(:(:(

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This virus was probably attached to the zip file...This is just ANOTHER reason why files as small as the ones that contain scenarios for CM should NOT be zipped. It's just too easy to get a virus from it.

This is nothing against scenario designers, etc. It's merely a warning of things that can easily cause A LOT of headaches for computer users. And it's irritating since there are such simple ways to avoid having to deal with them!!!

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After a search, I have located where this came from. It was downloaded from the Canadian HQ at http://www.dragonlair.net/combat mission/ I checked it out, the scenario is still there and is still infected. Section leaders Jason and Brian (and all of you) please take note.


Richard. :confused:

P.S. people who write viruses should have their goolies cut off :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Ahhh . . . speaking of the Canadian CMHQ . . .

Last update was almost a year ago. Any news as to where Jason and Brian went?

I downloaded that scenario and played it. Does this mean I've got that nasty bugger of a virus on my machine?

Guess I'll go a looking for it. :(


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