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Operation Barbarossa--pretty bloody quick?? CM2 question

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Assuming that BTS will indeed be able to keep their inital Fall 2001 plan for releasing CM2, would this basically mean that CM2 is a slightly tweaked CM1 engine with some additional German equipment and of course the Russian stuff? I think CM1 is fine the way it is especially after all the kick-butt 3rd party mods out there. Basically taking the current engine and putting Soviet equipment, with the corresponding modeling, and sound files would be more than fine for me. It just seems so quick for BTS to be putting out CM2 when they have only just finished with CM1. Either way I am looking forward to recreating the bloodiest conflict in human history with the CM engine. Anyone with programming experience care to venture a guess??

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I understand your concern. But I cannot speak for BTS ppl but these are what I get from tracking this all along:

1. First the engine is already here so far less considerable development time.

2. Steve & Charles Co. mentioned many times before here there will be a great number of features to be added in CM2, among them the most noticable will be improved city fightings (infamous Stalingard Rat War). Not to mention a larger map and much more terrian variety. Also a much larger of TO&E from much more nations, that you have mentioned.

3. Lastly, and most importantly, "Fall 2001" is a projected eta. No defnite word is up in the air. Fionn at CGO CMBO forum mentioned that they are just running the loooong list of ideas and deceide what are implemented. AFAIK, horse-mounted troops is total out of question.

IMHO, better BTS make it right, I can wait.

Keep your hopes up and keep playing CMBO fttb.



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Originally posted by GriffinCheng+:

... a great number of features to be added in CM2, among them the most noticable will be improved city fightings ...

The one that's best caught my eye is the changed vehicle C&C. No more "vehicles are always within C&C, because they have radios".

I like this because no unit can really be in C&C unless the commander knows what's going on at the recieving end, which in turn practically is limited to LOS and a bit.




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