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German Machinegun Doctrine

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Edit: changed topic name =P

Now that I have your attention does anyone recall how the German machine gun doctrine worked, just need to know if I am advancing my troops properly and I haven't been able to find any proper manuals on the subject online at all.

Basically when I would do is have have one CO be almost right next to the HMG crew on some kind of overwatch or keyhole position, covering the advance my rifle/smg/whatever infantry went to their destination. When I felt the coast was clear and there is sufficient power already present to cover the HMG crew and CO's advance I move them along to, yep, a keyhole or overwatch position covering the advance of my troops.

(BTW: yes I have a CO present with my forces as they advance, and if needed I will bring along a Panzershreck alongside the CO of the advancing squads)

So is this basically how it worked or do I have the whole thing totally skewered

[ 09-24-2001: Message edited by: New Age Santa ]

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