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Noticable Video Improvements

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I think the following is worthwhile:

1:clean your hardrive. I got rid of alot of crap and did a thorough defrag.

2:Got the latest drivers. I was surprised that creative was still releasing updates for my blaster banshee 16Meg. This impresses me and I will consider them for future purchase.

3:I got Direct X7.0A or whatever was latest. Microsoft website sucked.

4:Played with Video card software/resolution settings/Moniter gizmos. It helps.

I think the overall benefit is great and I can consider the CM "look" more like the fields of france. Its my computer so its my responsibility to run it right.

On a completely different note, I was watching the US congressional hearings on viruses and all the BS that went on. I was aghast that effing Microsnots wasnt there. I cant believe that People in Congress dont realize that PC stands for PERSONAL computer.

If companies want protection they need to get their own people involved. If home owners want security then its buyer beware.

Man I hate the government sometimes.



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