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I'm fallen, and I can't get up.

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Can soldiers or vehicles fall off of cliffs? Could there be an animation for it? Let's say some soldiers panic and run away towards a simulated quarry (set ground level as the botom surrounded by cliffs). Will they go over? Probably not, but perhaps vehicles should. We could call it the "Willy Coyote rule."



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I believe ASL had rules covering this situation. The key as I remember was that the squad or half squad didn't actually fall until it was "made aware" of the fact that it was no longer on solid ground. Generally this could be attempted by any unbroken enemy leader in an adjacent hex during the rally phase, assuming the leader hadn't used a support weapon or already applied his leadership modifier to an attack roll. I think there was even a -2 bonus to the roll if he carried the book "Gravity: An Introduction" (1pp). Of course that rule was later modified by the Chapter R Foreign Language Fluency Rules released in a later expansion.

Chris R

ps Can I drop anvils on enemy troops? Does that qualify as OBA?

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Guest Big Time Software

HAHA!!! Well, the real answer is "nope" to going off cliffs smile.gif For a squad to run off a cliff, in total, they would all have to be morons with ropes tied around each other's waists. It is more plausible for a vehicle to go over a cliff due to poor visibility, but even that is a stretch. Cliffs won't be a big part of CM in any case, so to special code something like this isn't worth it.

Though I would like to see some big falling anvils, or dumbless with "1000lbs" markings, hitting unsuspecting HQs wink.gif


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Guest John Maragoudakis


The WWW is a wonderfull place. If I only had this resource for projects in grade 6. All I had back then that was really cool was the world book encyclopedia. There was also the 'serious' Britannica. Kids are so lucky today.

Yes I have quite a bit of time on my hands.Basically surfing is really fun. So much that I get annoyed at the fact that we have to sleep every day. I watch very little TV. I was even thinking of buying a lap top to play CM at work, hehe. Ahh, my brain is taking over me.

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Hehe. I know what you mean ;)...

My dream job would be to review these things for a living hehe. Job.. what job? I play GAMES damnit ;)

Well its more work than that obviously and the deadlines can be tough sometimes but you get the idea.

there is just SO much cool stuff out there it's unbelieveable. The only issue with it all is that it is all scattered and often unreachable. (especially the more obscure and hard-core history stuff).

Still, the net is one of those revolutionary systems which will change humanity (much like Gutenberg has done). The sheer availability of excessive amounts of knowledge makes it harder to dupe people now.

Hmm.. Oops this is a CM board better stop preaching again ;)

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Guest Big Time Software

For the record it is Igotmilk. And for the record he might be surprised that there are laws against what he is doing and that Internet is not anonymous as he might think.


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Guest Madmatt




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Just to drag the conversation back to the original subject a bit, I can certainly see where it might be nice to have a "falling" image. In a recent scenario I whipped up there were three German half-tracks that all got nailed as they were on or approaching a long bridge. Momentum being what it is, it was pretty impressive watching all of them balanced on the edge of the bridge by the last 1/4 length of track on one side, with 7/8 of the vehicle hanging over the water!

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