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Tank Armor Modeling

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I did a search and couldn't find the answer-

Will CM model the underside of tank armor? I often read accounts of US tanks trying to drive over hedgegrows, only to expose the armorless underside of the tank where German AT weapons would penetrate with ease.

Is this modeled in CM? Can tanks even expose their underside?

Just wondering. Thanks

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Hehe. Oh this was a MAJOR discussion a few months ago.

basically the decision reached was that:

1. tanks only exposed their underbellies on things like walls or maybe hedgerows (not bocage).

2. It is a tiny factor. Nice to model if you can do so easily but not something which is 100% essential.

IIRC it is on "The List" for future versions but it definitely isn't in CM1 (there's not even a rating for floor armour (hull bottom) ).

As for American tanks.. hell, most German AT weapons will penetrate ANY aspect of ANY American tank with easy hehe wink.gif (except for the verdamnt Pershing ;(... I've had one of those survive three hits from a King Tiger and then blow it apart with a single hit ;( )

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Guest aaronb

Fionn beats me to the punch again... research time killed me! For your next search, try 'tank underbelly'.

Earlist definitive statement about underbelly arbour: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/002233.html

Heated discussion about bocage (related to exposing the underbelly): http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/001786.html

[This message has been edited by aaronb (edited 05-08-2000).]

[This message has been edited by aaronb (edited 05-08-2000).]

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There was also the belly bombing AT-round-skip-tactic.

(am I pushing my luck here or what?)

US tanks were said to bounce AP off roads/hard surfaces to attack the undersides of tanks that were level. I know of one instance where an indirect artillery weapon managed this on a Panzer.


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