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I love this game

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All I can do is thank you for this game. I know that gamers thanks have been repeatedly offered on this board but I really have to thank you for a well crafted product. Sure, in a couple of weeks I'll be criticising the penetration of the M-1 ballpeen hammer versus the mantle armor of the Panther, but for now I'm just enjoying the experience. I've been playing wargames since for about 22 years, and this is the finest product I have ever seen.

Despite the lack of patience I displayed for the release, I'm glad it turned out so well; all I can say is 'A job well done!'. Keep up the good work and though I know you have enjoyed much acclaim from the media in regards to CM, I wish you zillion of dollars of profit to continue your efforts in this specific direction, and in any other direction you plan to take your talents. But please, don't anyone buy a Ferrari and let this all go to your heads. Keep it at this level and continue to produce finely crafted games.

Again, continuing success, and thank you again for a superb wargaming experience.


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