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Acrobat Reader

Guest BigAlMoho

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Guest BigAlMoho

Mac Users:

Sorry for being off topic, but can someone help me convert ".pdf" files to MS Word 97 format?



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Guest aaronb


- the format is readable on everything except a Palm (and you can convert to DOC format for a Palm).

- the look-and-feel is _exactly_ as created regardless of the reader's setup, including pagination, graphics placement, font, etc.

- a company can produce marketing material once, then PDF it or put it on paper and have it look the same both ways.

- a PDF document can be locked - no-one can change the contract you just emailed to them.

- creating PDF's can be done from any application - just print to the PDF Writer. Easy.

- Adobe makes newer versions backward-compatible, unlike Microsoft.

- PDF's are compact compared to, for example, any other format. Files in Word, Excel, etc. are _much_ larger and so less suitable for download/archiving.

- the integrated OCR is outstanding.

I could go on, but I think I've made the point smile.gif

Now back to my PBEM game.

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Guest BigAlMoho

I see...

Thanks Mark IV, I appreciate the offer but I found that printing out the 75 page document makes it much easier to read...

DEF BUNGIS, It is indeed a pain to navigate a document without printing...

Thank you aaronb, for the insight into the bigger picture... It sounds like a case of the program being written for benefit of the document creator rather than being written to make life easier for the end user...



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I think "sucky" is fair, from a manual user's point of view.

I have to proof docs sent me in PDF all the time. Since I create the originals in Word on a PC (which is backwards compatible, though piggishly, BTW) then send them to MacGraphics people for layout, they come back in PDF. I find the easiest way to show corrections is to Print Screen and mark up in Paint Shop Pro. Then I send back a JPEG of the document section.

Odd, but it works (smaller files, too). Marketing types like to use PDF on the web because it hinders "creative" manipulation of published specs, though anyone can doctor one up if they really want to. At least now, PDF is searchable.

PS: Haven't you ever had to download the "latest" Acrobat viewer, because the file was created in a later version of Acrobat? I have....

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