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Great web Page by Mad Dog.

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All Praise to Fionn and MadMatt (not MadDog) :-/ I know all the vets here have long known of this page. But I felt the need to give praise. I like the articles section, and history. If any of you people that are new (as I am) and have not been to this page, you way want to check it out. Also take a look at the links to other fine sites. http://combathq.thegamers.net/


Semper Fi.

[This message has been edited by Jarhead (edited 08-04-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Jarhead (edited 08-04-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Jarhead (edited 08-04-2000).]

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Geeez, Sorry about the Messed up message. I would like to blame it on the fact I've been up all night playing CM...But that would be an excuse. And you know what we say about excuses. Plus i went to be at 11pm. tongue.gif


Semper Fi.

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Guest Madmatt

Thank you! And let me just steal any and all credit for the page from Fionn since his HTML skills begin and end with him saying "Hey Matt, post THIS!". You will notice that when I go on vacation NOTHING gets updated!!! Hint hint...

Actually Fionn and I have a pretty good working relationship. He constantly suggests stuff and sends in articles and AAR's and I constantly insult and belittle him and pretty much run the website however the hell I want!

Seems to work! Now, if I could just figure out a quick way to remove his name from EVERY Section Leader heading!!! frown.gif

That may prove difficult as at last check CMHQ comprised OVER 600 separate pages of content. And that check was done 6 months ago! I shake when I think about how big it must be now!!!

Thanks for the nice words and Fionn and I certainly appreciate any and all comments and sugegstions for improvement.



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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 08-04-2000).]

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Matt you bastard.. Have you nicked Moon's computer to post this? I warned him about you, I really did but would he believe that you could plunge Germany back 60 years all by yourself.. Noooo! Well, guess he believes now wink.gif.

And, the reasons nothing gets updated while Matt's away are very simple:

1. I write. I leave the plebian "artisan-type" work to the serfs like Matt.

2. If I changed anything I'd hear nothing but whining for days and days as Matt changed everything back to fit his (rather hallucinogenic) vision.

Oh and the 3rd reason is that Matt's telling the truth when he says my HTML talent consists of emailing him a Word doc, jpegs and files and saying " Hey, post this tonight or tomorrow k?" wink.gif

And, I don't mind Matt insulting me... Not while that slack-ass posterboy STILL refuses to send me the next turn in our PBEM game.. This same game in which I am killing 3 of his ELITE SS INFANTRY for every FROGGIE RIFLEMAN of mine who stubs his little toe.

Moon remind Matt not to go running around dark cities at night. The experience could prove just as painful to him in real life as it did in our game.... LOSER ! wink.gif

Honestly though we do just get on, have clear ideas of what each of us likes and wants to do and just go about the work in tandem ( except when he's cowering behind his bed waiting for my next PBEM turn of course....).

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