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Any Canadians wont to do something like the CMMC?

Guest Rob/1

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Well that's my question I will set one up if more than five people respond.I will send anyone who wonts to join an email asap.


Fight for your right!To play CM! smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 10-16-2000).]

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I'm Canadian, and I did. It was running very well until I had to go to University, after which it stagnated due to lack of time.

One of the previous players, Captain Foobar, is considering taking it upon himself to get it going again. I suggest you find him on this bulletin board and email him.

The website, by the way, is www.geocities.com/cmrpg


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I'm in the CPX for the CMMC right now... let me know what you've got planned, though. But if people are interested in campaign play, they should still drop the CMMC guys a line. As we're all finding out, it takes a rare breed to play to this level of commitment, and not everyone who signs up really has the time or inclination, so there seems to have been a fair bit of attrition.


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Well I think I shall start it up. I will send anyone who signes up an email asap.


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)


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Bump. I just wont to let people to read this message I may open this up to the hole CM group tomorrow it depends on how many people sign up.


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)


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