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How you going? (spoily - about Valley Scen.)

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I just surrendered (Germans, VoT) to the AI. I am shamed. I had O men OK.

The AT pillbox got one Sherman before being knocked out. The Panther got one more before taking a Gun Damage hit. And the AI, which used to obligingly send out a squad or two at a time, sent 4 Sherms and a company into town on the heels of an absolutely ridiculous barrage.

Absolutely nothing went right and it was one of those days. I can't believe it. Incredible.

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Guest Big Time Software

Hehe... don't feel so bad MkIV. If your pillbox doesn't pull its weight, and the Panther fumbles, the AI would have to REALLY mess up in order to not win. And yes, the AI is now capable of massed assualts. I had the bastard totally overrun my positions in the village one time and it got 1/2 up the hill before I managed to halt it.

Oh, and something you might be interested to hear... the original scenario had two PzIVs in it (one H and one G). But time after time they both were knocked out without doing anything, or only knocking out one tank. At these close ranges the PzIV is at a disadvantage. So after about 6 games of this I decided a single Panther would be better. I would have liked something inbetween, but there isn't (turreted at least, which is what I wanted).


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played as german and got dropped by the AI 70-30

Ive never been whacked like that by an AI before.

I opened up with bunkers early ,kept all my troops on hide except for the platoon on the4left flank i thought i would move back into the wooded area behind the concrete wall (what a mistake that was).

Any the shermans took out my bunkers one by one, before any advance was attempted. My platoon on the left flank got nailed in the wood by ART. the remains ruted off the map.

After 6-7 turns of having all my postions pounded by ART and the sherman 105's the yanks advanced headon around the edges of the middle hill , and not over the top wwwhich i had prepared for.

I had a platoon in the village facing the advancing juggernaught, but as soon as i opened fire, it was to late the 105 shermans and the shear mass off men just was to much, i even saw a house with my sheck team and platoon commander blow up into a thousand peices.

By now i had nothing left with which to stop him.I had hardly inflicted any loses that i know of either, i just had to wait for the reinforcements.

Finally they arrived.I rushed the inf platoon along the road to the hill where my motar crew's were bravely standing there ground,the yankies had not got that far yet yet.I moved my panther towards the cres in the road overlooking the town the yanks had just takn from me,there they where 4 shermans in my LOS, i fired first MIssed, they started firing back, i heard shots pinging all over the place anyway the panther killed 2 shermans after about letting of 7-8 shots before copping it.

Yank infantry charged up the hill ,the was some heavy fighting raging up on that hill ,but my remaining forces were routing, i offered a ceasfire and the AI accepted

45 germans left

235 allies left


"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

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