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News update on Rob's CMMC HQ web page

Guest Rob/1

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Well head over with the link below for the news.See my post at the end of the list for info and more. frown.gif


Fight for your right!To play CM! smile.gif

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more infor on Rob;s CMMC go to www.geocities.com/robisme_canada/RobCMMCIndex.html

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 10-20-2000).]

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Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

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So... what is going on? do you mean the tournament thing at the CMHQ? I tried reading the instructions for that but it seemed to be more about simulating the communication of WW2 rather than playing Combat Mission games.

Is Rob in charge of the Allies then?

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Um havent you seen the posts I made about MY CMMC? IF you wont info Email me!!!!!!


Fight for your right!To play CM!:)

Join Rob's CMMC today Email me at <A HREF="mailto:Robisme_ca@hotmail.com


</A> Rob

For more info on Rob;s CMMC go to Robs CMMC HQ

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