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Cease Fire

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Ok... this may look a stange question,and it is smile.gif

Is there any points penalization for a game ended by a cease fire ?

Example:Is there a diference in points between a game "Naturaly" ended in turn 20 and a 30 turns game ended in turn 20 by cease fire. Assuming that all kills/obj capture were the same.



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Depends on how the game naturally ended, I suppose. If it naturally ended because 1 side is decimated, compared to the other, then I think the AI surrenders for you, which naturally doesn't do you score much good. If in naturally ended because both sides refuse to engage and manuever, then I believe that the AI is forcing a cease-fire, so the score probably is reflected by the actual damage inflicted/morale level. I checked the manual and found the auto-surrender, but not auto-ceasefire. IIRC, though, I know that it was discussed before that the AI would end the game if no action took place fore quite awhile. It's been a long time since I saw the reference, so I don't know for sure if it was implemented. I know I have never seen an auto-ceasefire.

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A ceasefire is by definition a mutual agreement, so I don't think it carries a penalty. When you're playing the AI, and you request a ceasefire, the AI will oblige - but if you're playing against a human, you must both file for a ceasefire before one happens, and you don't know whether the other guy has done this or not. Of course, you can always suggest to him in person that a ceasefire would be in order - but if he's winning, he probably won't agree. =)


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As far as I know, Tanaka is playing a ladder game and the rules are that each engagement should only last for twenty turns. By accident the parameters were set to 30 turns and so they have to agree on a cease fire in turn 21 to get the same result if one side does not surrender before.

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