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AI Question

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Hi fellas

I was playing a battle that came with the game called "Merry Xmas At Hemroulle" and I have a question.













As you know, when you play the Allies in this battle you have several 75mm Howies to defend with. Well....the Germans throw plenty of Mark IV's and a few Panthers at you. I had several 75's waiting in ambush to hit some Marks as they came by. The trap was a success and I had two 75's open up on a Mark and a Panther. Now the question and observation: The 75's would only use the HE shells on these tanks!!!! They had several "C" shells to use (Shaped Charges) and they didnt use them even though they shot at least six times each and under command. Why wouldnt they use the proper warheads??? BUG????

[This message has been edited by Lanzfeld (edited 11-13-2000).]

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I believe it might be the same problem as the one discussed under the thread "Tungsten for the love of God".

The issue is that units do not expend their precious few rounds of C or T unless they have done extensive rangefinding with the potential target (and died while doing it...).

BTS is aware of the issue.


My squads are regular, must be the fibre in the musli...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished playing the scenario again.

After unhiding the Howis and targetting them, most of the time they did use their Hollow Charge © ammo.

In fact, they killed several PZIV and even a Panther, usually at an exchange rate of 1-1. Pretty good if you ask me.

The one that shot the Panther fired the C ammo at shot 1. Good crew that... smile.gif


My squads are regular, must be the fibre in the musli...

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