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I have found that my units, even when enemy armor is within range for the panzerfausts to be effective, do not use them. Is there something I am missing about having my units use these weapons to there full potential and smoke some tanks????


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Guest Zigster

They must get used sometimes... *points at flaming Sherman with crispy crew*

The conditions I have seen them used in were a) outdoors and B) no supporting infantry nearby for the tank. I'm pretty certain about those; there may be others.

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Guest Zigster

Guess it's possible it was a hidden 'schreck I never saw. The tank was buttoned and all by its lonesome in a place it had no right to be ;) All I remember is a whoosh and a splang. Then everything got dark....

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Guest Big Time Software

Panzerfausts do work in the demo, but the usual conditions that surround a possible use had some problems. Basically, the more ideal your firing opportunity, the more likely you will see a PF in action in the demo. As Das Boot said, it has been fixed for the final smile.gif


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I can confirm a Faust kill in the Beta Demo.

I was playing as the Germans in Chance Encounter and in the opening moves of the game I managed to secure an infantry company with 4 Panzerschrecks in the allied woods across from the church.

we had whittled eachother down to one tank a piece, mine behind the church his behind a knoll up against the treeline. His tank there was preventing me from launching a counterattack on my right flank and decisively winning the day. There was really no way for my Stug to get to him without taking HUGE risk at getting poked, so we were at a bit of an impass... or so he thought <EG> smile.gif

I manuevered my Schrecks (4 of em!)to within 100m for a perfect rear aspect shot, and let fly with barrage after barrage of fire. Not even a richochet! I rushed a fresh SMG squad to the treeline hoping their fausts would prove more effective. They never fired a shot and the unit was completely lost.

The allies launched a viscious counter attack that lasted several minutes. I managed to fend off the attack, and actually came out of it a little bit better than the allies, but I was down to the tattered remains of 2 infantry squads one of which had already panicked, and 3 command units.

I let the smoke from the intense fire fight die down, then I crept my SMG squad (I think thats what it was, at any rate, they had Fausts) to within 100m of the sherman, still pounding the piss out of my right flank.

Undetected at 100m I rushed the tank in a last ditch attempt to dispatch it.

The unit bravely charged in and setup, undetected, 37m directly behind the sherman!!! and then started shooting at an MG1919 that was about 200m away!

The tank still had not recognized the threat So I rushed my remaining troops in to handle small arms threats.

Now Im taking fire from an assortment of infantry that had scattered durring the counter attack. They didnt possess a lot of fire power, but my guys behind the tank would not use the faust when they were receiving fire. To top it off the tank had seen them!

Seeing this I rushed my StuG from behind the church in an all out charge against the Sherman's position. It was crunch time. I figured that if the squad didnt dispatch the tank, it would possibly distract it enough so I could rush in with my StuG and finish it off... except... I wasnt gonna make it. Too much ground to cover, and the turret of the tank was already half way around.

Then an amazing thing happened.

The remaining troops managed to supress the fire that had been directed at my Faust squad. temporarily unmolested they started to screw something onto the end of their rifles. The tanks turret continued to swivel around to deliever their fate and my StuG was still 100m away with a hill to climb.

KA-PING! (turret penetration) and the Sherman was finished.

The squad, down to 4 men, was credited with the kill.


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Well, in the beta demo there is a bug. The troops are not as likely to use fausts against armour as they should be.

Basically they get too easily "distracted" by infantry targets with the result that in the beta demo they will ignore tanks 15 metres away to engage infantry 300 metres away wink.gif..

Of course, your opponent's knowledge of this can be turned against him.. Drop smoke all over the place and scatter a screen of infantry in the smoke. You had better believe this makes an entirely impenetrable tank barrier.

Someone lost 4 Shermans in 1 turn to my fausts when I did this to him in CE wink.gif..

Then his infantry hit the line and it became a bit of a bloodbath as entire infantry platoons fought it out at 10 metres or less with my StuGs giving fire support from about 15 metres away in the midst of the smoke.. Pretty exciting fight wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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