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Question about how replay of the entire battle will work

Guest Mortiis

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Guest Mortiis

I know this isnt out yet and I did a search on the topic but could not find the specifics as to how such a function would work.

1. will we be able to watch our the full movie thru our oppenents eyes

2. will we be able to watch the battle without any FOW

hopefully this will be so

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"2. will we be able to watch the battle without any FOW"

That's a good point, and would be a very welcome option in order to get "the complete picture." I'd still like an FOW option, though, in order to reflect the surprise factor ("horror" movies fall flat compared to a previously unseen Tiger's entrance!).

A "pie in the sky" idea would be to have different camera settings tied to different "time indexes", so that you could "edit" the battle into a crafted dramatic movie and distribute it to other players (several racing/sim type games have this now). However, I realize that this could well be reaching too far. I'd just be happy to be able to see a whole battle uninterrupted (making CM even better than it is now).

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Guest Mortiis

I totally agree with you, I should have been more clear in my post. I would like to be able to watch it as I saw it and as my opponent saw as well as no fow(keeping in mind being able to navigate around the map as the battle unfolds, and then as an extra be able to save camera angles for movies to be distributed to friends who are interested in the game. Those little movies will convert alot of people in the ranks

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