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Churchill AVRE


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Any good online references for the AVRE? I need some data for another game. In CM, the AVRE is listed as having a range of 250m. Is this really correct? Can someone confirm this range as I believe it should be much shorter than that. Also, the AVRE's ammo is represented by HEAT. Is this realistic? It seems that CM just tried to give it the best fit (since there are only 4 ammo types) but somehow HEAT seems a bit too powerful and turns the AVRE into a tank-killer.

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250 meter seems the absolute maximum range possible, a bit like the K98 carbine has a maximum range of several kilometers.

The practical range is usually listed at about 80-100 meters though.

Can't say anything about the design of the round itself, weather it was HEAT or not but it was designed for bunker busting so in one way or another it was designed to overcome protection, HESH seems plausible.

The fact that it was loaded from the outside with one crew man hanging out half exposed is omitted in CM, hence the reload time of (last time I saw it) 20 seconds is probably pretty generous.


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Mattias wrote:

> the reload time of (last time I saw it) 20 seconds is probably pretty generous.

There was a thread about this, but I'll risk contradicting any conclusions that have already been made. I'd have thought the crew member responsible for reloading the AVRE's mortar would be pretty well trained in doing it quickly, so 20 seconds doesn't seem strange.



Major General Maxwell Taylor found himself with several officers but only two or three enlisted men. "Never," he told them, "have so few been commanded by so many."

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Where did you get the info regarding the reloading procedure? So, did the tank have to be unbuttoned in order to reload or was there an extra hatch?

I was using one in a Town quick battle and it was very amusing taking tanks out with it because of the small firing pop sound that is followed by the huge explosion. Also, when fired while unbuttoned at close range (as is usually the case in a Town) the commander buttons up just before the 40 lb bomb goes off smile.gif

I think the range should be lowered though; it's a major tank killer as is.

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Oh, 20 seconds, fair enough.

Personally I think the loader would feel more than a little uneasy having to reload the damn thing in the face of an angry Pz. IV. A duel situation I have seen in CM but doubt ever happened in real life.

But that just an assumption based on the intended role of the petard mortar and otherwise unsubstantiated, so on this I'll go whatever people who knows says.


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