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Friendly Fire ?

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Yeah, units can engage in friendly fire under spotty sighting conditions.

BTW, did you get your email problem worked out? I sent you a setup to your other address you sent me.


“Out in front every one is holding out. Every one. My grenadiers and my engineers and my tank crews – they’re all holding their ground. Not a single man is leaving his post. They are lying silent in their foxholes for they are dead.” – Gen. Fritz Bayerlein on an order to hold his position

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Dave im still stumped..The first one was a .txt file and I saved it in the PBEM folder when I tried to access it nothin happened.Then I recvd another one that was all code..I tried copying and pasting and no luck..Are the files that are sent .txt files?

I thought it was hotmail,but I see others are using that as well..Any info would be appreciated..

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Man:

I thought it was hotmail,but I see others are using that as well<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I used to use Hotmail, but don't (for reasons which will become obvious). I had to use Netcape, not IE (tried, no luck). The attachment couldn't be saved, I had to cut and paste. And I had to paste into a NON microsoft processor (actually, notepad works for the orders, but the movies are too big and Word puts gunk in the file, even if you save it as text).

I have no idea if there might not have been a better way (but trust me - I tried LOTS of things before stumbling upon that particular combination).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Man:

.but what word processor have you been using for the movie files?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry. I was off for a bit - the word processor I used was WordPerfect 6. I tried Word and WordPad (the one that comes with Windows ) and neither worked. Even when saving a file as txt, they added something to the file that kept CM from reading it.

It was amazingle tedious and fortunately I have a different email account that allows me to download email into Pegasus on my machine, where I can save things directly. Makes my life MUCH easier.

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