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Canadian DND Proposes Mobile Artillery Vehicle System (MAVS)


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Mobile Artillery Vehicle System

For decades, Canadian artillery has been towed by either the MLVW or armoured Grizzly gun tractors. But, as part of its ‘transformation of the artillery’, DND proposes to field a truck-mounted self-propelled gun – the Mobile Artillery Vehicle System consisting of the 105mm C3 howitzer pedestal- mounted on the bed of a medium truck. But, that truck may not be the MLVW.

MAVS Meaning MOBAT Maybe?

The most probable candidate* for MAVS is RDM’s MOBAT (which employs the same 33 calibre barrel used to update the CF’s 105mm C1 guns). This has all the advantages of commonality but , since MAVS is ultimately a replacement for the CF’s tracked 155mm M109 as well, gunners would be restricted to the smaller calibre. MAVS relies upon ‘shoot-and-scoot’ tactics for survival but range and shell-weight also matter.**

MAVS – Part of a ‘System of Systems’

The MAVS concept is a response to the threat of counter-battery fire. It is hoped that net-centric communications will allow MAVS batteries to be dispersed but still able to concentrate their own fire. This, of course, assumes assymetrical warfare – if the opposing forces is likewise ‘digitized’, the advantage disappears and the MAVS battery is as vulnerable as any other.***

* The Dutch MOBAT was officially offered to Canada to fulfill MAVS late in 2003, having been demonstrated in Manitoba that summer. MOBAT is a modular system which can be mounted on any medium truck. The CF wants MAVS to be mounted on a MLVW replacement.

** Under ideal conditions, MOBAT can stop and fire its first round within 90 seconds of receiving orders and then be moving again in a further 30 seconds. The current maximum range (with C132 HEER rounds) is 19.2km. But DND anticipates future ranges of 30km (or even 40km) presumably by using a rocket-assisted shell. MOBAT carries 40 ready rounds.

*** Being quite high off the ground and unarmoured, MAVS would be more vulnerable under fire than a well-emplaced towed gun. The point of MAVS, of course, is to be moving again before your previous position has been identified. It is questionble whether the weight of fire which can be brought to bear on a target is worth the effort expended. Available truck-mounted 155mm howitzers are much heavier and exacerbate ammunition-handling and supply problems. However, unlike the 105mm howitzer, few field guns can out-range the 155mm.

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It is also harder to dig in a truck mounted gun if a battery finds itself required to stay put and support a static operation. Likewise a truck is more vulnerable in various low intensity warfare situations than either a armored/tracked vehicle which can fight back or a towed gun which can be air lifted.

Great stuff Rame, keep it coming.

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