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To Zamo and Strat

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1. Zamo

Be VERY careful with the language you use around here. Terming someone's response "fasciscistic" is something you should only do after a LOT more thought than you obviously put into it.

For the record I have absolutely no power to ban anyone on this forum and my post to Ray was not in any way threatening him with banning but was merely trying to remind him that last time he got worked up for some small thing he got so abusive he got himself banned.

My post was merely a bit of advice to him akin to saying "it isn't worth it". That you and Strat can't read some friendly advice without dragging terms like fascist out of the cupboard is depressing.

God help me if I lived in a country where you made the laws Zamo. I'd probably be shot as a right-wing revolutionary for telling a friend to obey the speed limit while driving.

2. Strat, you're only new here obviously since you're a junior member so sometimes there's "a history" behind some posts. IMO it would behoove you to not post about things you don't know about.

Ray obviously read my post and understood exactly what I was saying to him and took it in the spirit it was intended and had no problem with my post. I think Zamo that you shouldn't have stuck your nose in where it wasn't wanted and certainly shouldn't have used such an emotive term in your reponse.

I personally think an apology is in order from you Zamo.

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Not going to happen Fionn. Having read your reply, I went back and re-read the entire exchange and I still will stand by my comments. Interesting that you then imply that my standing up for free speech makes ME the one likely to have someone shot...Your logic is faulty there. Nice attempt at spin though. I am not trying to anger you or insult you and have no objections to dropping the whole thing, it is pointless and has no valid merit regarding CM, however, over the months I have seen you get very defensive and aggresive when confronted by someone who doesn't think as you. Must be the Irish in your blood Mmm? smile.gif

I am not some Politically correct naybob who runs around spitting forth intestinal bile at the drop of a hat, but I do think that we should each be allowed to speak our minds freely without the threat of thought police clamping down on us. I am not saying I agree with Mantarays statements, but a certain Voltaire quote springs to mind regarding free speech:

"I do not agree with not even one word you said, but I am ready to die for your right to say that."

Can we get back to CM now? Or shall we continue this inane dance until Charles mercifully extinguishes it?


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Guest MantaRay

Ok guys, I dont want this to get into a flame war. You guys do not have to scold me nor defend me, and that whole string was closed by Steve, so it is not that big a deal. I was kind of half wasted in the Easter festivities(considering i dont really drink...it doesnt take that much anyway smile.gif ) and really didnt mean to come off the way I did. I wasnt trying to "attack" the guy even though it sounded like I did. He even said he didnt care on another thread. I apologize to him and I hope you guys can stay off the path I started.

BTW, thanks Fionn and Zamo for the concern about me being banned and having the right to free speech. I think that there has been far worse abuses on this board than this and I can point to one that I wrote to SS PANZIE-PANTIES (hehe j/k SS P)

Just one note also. This board is not subject to "Rights of Free Speech" as it is a private BB, otherwise I could have said what i said to SS Panty-Pooper and not been banned. And yes I am still kidding SS. smile.gif

*Notice I tried to lighten the mood of this thread and in no way did I threaten or call SS Panzer-Leader-Wanna-Be out on to the field of battle or in a ring, and I will not go to the women's underwear aisle to meet him anyway. Those pictures were too shocking to me, and I would have to violate the don't ask don't tell policy that BTS has and he would be banned too. Plus, it is hard to fight someone in a peach nighty. biggrin.gif



MantaRays 5 Pages

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Whatever. I'm not interested in getting into a fight about something this unimportant.

For the record though I didn't even bother to see exactly what Ray was responding to. I merely didn't want to see him getting worked up over something small and getting himself banned for no suitable reason.

So, in conclusion.. Whatever. (Ps. Steve closes topics not Charles. You'd do well to try to get at least SOME basic facts right when you post.)

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I suppose sticking my nose in here will resolve little, other than to have it smashed in by the rest of you. wink.gifredface.gif

Just as an outsider's view, Zamo, I want to concur with Fionn that I also read the intent to his initial comments (to Ray on the other topic thread) in the same manner as he's described above.

I also have to concur with Fionn that I personally am VERY careful in how I define "facist" actions, and Fionn's statements don't equate to facist or even "censorship" conduct by a long shot. It's my reflection on all of the various evils commited on humanity in this past 20th Century that guides my own criteria for defining "facism." You may personally view Fionn's intent in a different light, though, Zamo, and that's your liberty to do, so that's why I'm not meaning this as a lecture.

Even for the moment that we might equate "forum censorship" as facism, this CM forum is nothing like some of the earlier forums I partook in. A few months ago, I stated on a TalonSoft forum that its "public relations staff" needed to do a better job to inform gamers on some TOAW patch issue. I got banned as a result, even though I felt my comments were well within the bounds of "constructive criticism" at the time. Was that "facism" on TalonSoft's part? Censorship, sure, but facsism, nope. It's Talon's forum, and it's thus Talon's property to choose who's allowed to post or not. It doesn't compel me to remain as a Talon customer, though. wink.gif

Anyway, I felt that my boring little story above MIGHT add some perspective to the standing disagreement here. OK, now all of you can kick in my nose for sticking it in. biggrin.gif


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Hehehe, everytime I see a posting by Mr.Pen.. er, MrHappy, all that is running through my head is the song played in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" when they go into Toon Town.

PS. anyone know where I can find an updated version of Direct X? One that works? Direct X 7.? wrecked the communication between my computer and my 3Dfx card. Once I get this, then "Happy and the Gang" can get their long awaited PBEM files.

CM needs Direct X,

I need CM,

therefore I need Direct X.

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Guest Big Time Software

OK, there is really no need for this thread to continue as I really don't think it needed to be created in the first place. Yes, everybody should watch what they say. That means *everybody*.


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