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New MOD?

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I know several of the mods are improving the look of the vehicles, adding seasonal versions of vehicles, etc. I have read that this is being done because BTS originally wrote the game to be playable on lower-end systems-thus the vehicle appearances were 'simpler' than upper-end technology was able to produce.

By the same token, in user made scenarios, there are two upper limits: maximum map size (for scenarios, 1.6km x 3km or so, for operations, I think 1.2k x 4km), and as far as I can tell, upper limits for army size (around 7000 points). I assume that those limits were included for the same reason-to avoid swamping lower end systems with too many polygons (either on moving units or on terrain), and resulting in crashes, system lockups, and extremely slow play.

So how about a new mod which eliminates those size limitations? Allow us to make as big of maps (or as big of armies) as our own systems will allow? The rationale for them is the same as that for the better vehicle pictures-allow those of us who have systems to handle the mods (bigger maps) the ability to enjoy the enhanced game play (MAKE bigger maps, armies)?


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If you are the attacker in a 5000pt assault you recieve 10,000 pts!!!! That is almost a regiment...almost before they cut you off.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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I wasnt' sure about the point limit. I was playing with the battle design software very briefly and seemed to run into a limit at 7,000 points.

My interest is more in being able to create large maps than in creating large armies, anyway. I'd like to do scenarios with lots of maneuvering, lots of opportunities for recon, long range artillery, multiple avenues of approach, feints, etc. The armies limit seemed just a different, equally arbitrary limit that could easily be rewritten/modified.


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