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Allied Platoon Organizations

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I have some questions about how CMers simulate Allied platoon organizations. I have three platoon types in mind: US Cavalry recon platoons, US armored infantry platoons, and British motor platoons.

US Cavalry recon platoons (I love these guys). These came in two sections: a 3 car armored car section and a scout section with 6 jeeps. The platoon commander rode with the armored cars. The jeeps carried 17 men with 3 M1919 LMGs and 3 60mm mortars. For personal defense, they had 6 SMGs, 6 carbines and 5 M1s. The platoon had no organic platoons, but the company HQ had 4.

So here’s my approach. The 3 M8s are easy. For the scout section, I use 3 M1919 teams and 3 60mm mortar teams, and 6 unarmed jeeps.

I got issues. (A) Where’s the HQ? Can I put a HQ in an M8? Can I attach a HQ to the scout team? Where does it ride if I can? Maybe I stick it on the M8, if I can figure out where to get one? (B) The MGs should be able to from the jeeps, but also to fire dismounted. Can I mount an MG on a jeep and strip it off for use on a ground mount? (B) Too many bodies, too few rifles – but I figure that this is close enough for government work.

2. Armored infantry platoons. I’m back figuring from the company TO&E now. A platoons seems to have been 5 halftracks with 3 squads, 2 M1919 LMGs, a 60mm mortar, and a HQ. And bazookas. The company had 18 – say that the platoons got 4 each. Oh, and half the 20 ‘tracks in a company were M2s or M3A1s.

Here’s my attempt: 3 M3s, each with a squad and a bazooka; 1 M3A1 with the HQ and mortar, and an M3A1 with the two MGs.

Problems: (A) That’s a lot of bazookas, but apparently not enough. (B) With patch 1.1, I don’t think that I can load all those teams into M3A1s. © BARs. The 2/44 armored division didn’t have any. None. Zippo. Not in the picture. Now I imagine that enterprising armored infantry squads found BARs all over the ETO, but I am curious about the official TO&E and how it might be simulated. Thoughts, anyone?

3. Motor platoons. British armored brigades had halftrack-born infantry battalions in their TO&Es. ASL gives the platoon organization as 4 ‘tracks with 3 squads, a HQ, a PIAT and a 2” mortar.

The attempt: 4 M9A1s, 2 with squads, 1 with a squad and a PIAT, 1 with the HQ and mortar.

But: (A) That’s a lot of Ma Deuces. Surely the British would not have more .50 cal. equipped halftracks via Lend Lease that the Americans had. (B) If I install the 1.1 patch, many of these guys are walking. Is there a way that I can use the M3 ‘tracks with the British infantry?

Well, it would be great to hear how others have taken on these issues.

(Don’t shoot, I’m a newbie.)

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