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Dead Bodies

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Guest Offwhite

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

quote: ...the sensation that he really is losing men in his squad during the fight.

In Combat Mission, you hear a couple of moans or whatever and then when it's all over, you click on the screen and find out that you lost 6 men in that battle.

...there is no sensation of actually being in the battle. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's been a while since I played the demo, and I've never played CC, but I think I get the idea of what you're saying. I recommend that you hop over to http://combathq.thegamers.net/ and grab the MDMP-1 mod pack - it's got a ton of souped-up battle sounds. Install that stuff and watch a few turns with camera view #1 locked onto one of your squads - you'll definitely know it when somebody gets hit!

PS - drop me a line if you want to PBEM once you get your disk.

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You can't really compare CM to CC anyway. Since CM's battles are much larger the infantry is by necessity abstracted. True in CC you have a better sense of losing men but that's because they're all shown as individuals so you have a much better sense in general of what each guy is doing (including pushing up daisys). I like CM much better and I accept that if I want to play battalion-size engagements I'll have to accept some abstraction (although it's alot less than any other game besides CC).

Also, trust me on this one, after you play more I promise you that you'll easily be able to tell what units have taken casualties.

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The autoquote thing is acting up, so I won't quote the question, but I'll paraphrase it:

"How do I know how my squads are doing from watching the movie if I can't see the bodies piling up unless I click on them and look at the units screen"

CM does account for this: Look at the live guys. If you play with 3 men/squad representation then when there are 3 guys shown you have more than 2/3 of the squad active, when two are shown it's between 1/3 and 2/3 and when 1 is shown you have 1/3 or less. At the CM scale, this is plenty of detail to make decisions. If you really need to know how a squad is doing, then you can call up the detail screen, but usually simply looking at the figures is enough. Even at 640x480 (which I'm stuck at) I have little trouble telling unit types apart on view 4, and can get a good feel for the situation simply by watching the movie.

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Guest Big Time Software

OK gents... it would be nice to lock this one up on a positive note, so that is what I am going to do. This debate, if you can call it that, has been done so many times before that it is actually boring wink.gif The overwhelming, vast, and huge majority do not feel the need for bodies. If it were a big deal we would be hearing about it every day instead of once in a Blue Moon with one or two people arguing for it with about 10 or so against it.

A 1:1 body count is NOT going to happen for the rest of the CM series. It is not necessary AND it affects gameplay in a negative way overall (framerate if nothing else!). Unless someone comes up with a new, and valuable, argument in favor of such a thing (instead of the same old arguments time after time) our decision will not change one bit.


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