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Do the Germans use Priceline.com to puchace units

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I have noticed that the germans have cheaper units overall.. I figure that with Priceline.com working so well, they must. I am involved in a 1500pt QB as a Inf. only fight. It is this fight that got me to start looking at the point spread used to purchase units.

this is what little i have found between the brits and the germans. All Inf Sqds cost the same, with the cost getting cheaper with higher organisation. I.E. 27 pt sqd in a plt. and 26 in a CO. and 25 in a BN. now a German Inf Bn is 1400'ish points and a Brit. Inf Bn. is 1900'ish. yes the brits get a pioneer plt and a bat. of 6" guns. but r stuck with 2"morters and piats. The Germans get a HW Co. with HW support with each Co. then i found out that a german 81mm Morter spoter costs 64 pts and a 120mm spotter costs 80'ish, why then does a Brit. 3"(76mm) spoter cost 110?

I would like to know how the point spread was figured out. does it take into effect the avalibility of said item. the quantity actually produced. The armor is closer to what i think the cost should show. allied slightly cheaper with the germans getting slightly better quality. but when buying Bn. size units the points r deff on the German side.

P.S. all this what done just looking at the German Haer and the Norm. brit's. no SS, Airborne just standers inf and arty.

P.S.S. Whaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! (stomp) (stomp) (SMASH) smile.gif

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