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Couple of things...

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1) To the BTS crew - CONGRATS! I received my copy of CM last week and it's THORUGHLY addicting. The panzer poster that came with it is also excellent work. I'm getting it framed as we speak.

2) THANK YOU - You cannot imagine my elation when I poked through your manual for the first time and saw that little Edelweiß icon in the list of available troops. When I first brought up the notion of adding Gebrigsjägers a year ago, the future of that particular soldier type was uncertain. I'm glad to see it definitely made it in. Excellent work on the Edelweiß patches on the image maps, BTW, although you forgot the matching hatpin wink.gif (minor detail)

3) Question: I also remember in early versions of the demo and screenshots that the hackenkreutz (sp?) was clearly present on the Wermacht standards. I even remember complimenting you on your embracing of true, non-revisionist historical attitude during the production of the game. In the final version, however, it seems to have been removed. Also, I noticed that you used the standard Helvetica font for the "SS", as opposed to the actual "runes". Did the game sadly give way to the usual PC rhetoric, or were you taking into consideration sales of this game in Germany and Austria where such symbology is verboten?

Again, thanks for the great game, and I think the missions MIGHT hold me over until CM2. Definitely, a more complex system than Close Combat ever aspired for. You are all to be commended.

[This message has been edited by 137th Gebirg (edited 06-26-2000).]

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Guest MantaRay

I don't see this as much of a problem, the exclusion has not made one difference in gameplay. And you can always edit it if you want to.



When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

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Guest Big Time Software


We had to change some stuff to comply with German laws regarding Nazi symbols. These are bitmaps so they can be edited by either yourself or a Mod maker. Personally, I don't even notice the modified ones any more. I did at first, but after a while it is all just a black, red, and white blob smile.gif


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Guest Offwhite

To change the VL flag, just replace the .bmp in the game (440.bmp I think! might want to check first!) with the one from the beta demo. If you don't have the beta anymore I'm sure somebody here (myself included) would be happy to e-mail the .bmp to you.

As for other mods, CMHQ and CoolColJ seem pretty active...

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