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Effectiveness of SPAA and AAA

Guest Stabsfeldwebel

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Guest Stabsfeldwebel

Ok i know i haven't played the "gold" version and am not a tester but just from the screenshots from CMHQ it sure seems like the AAA and SPAA aren't very effective, its not like these planes would be hiding over the horizon, they'd have to spot the vehicles, and most of the time, give the vehicles warning. Is this just me?

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Guest Madmatt

It's just you! Wait for the last part of Air Attack and you will see just how 'ineffective' triple A is or isn't....

Madmatt out.. cool.gif

The pilot's families probably think the AAA was a little too effective! wink.gif

p.s. Remember that most of those pictures were taken in a custom scenario (several in fact) that were created to just show air power blowing a convoy all to hell, the last Air Attack section will show it in a slightly more 'fair' light!


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-09-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

I think part of the problem is the setup for the CMHQ scenario. Too many planes (perhaps?) and not enough flak. I just played a sceanario where the Germans had only a single, Quad 20mm AA gun. It managed to chase off both of the planes after their initial run. Neither came back for more fun and excitement smile.gif AAA is not a magic shield, but rather a semi-effective counter measure.

I can tell you one thing... if you are attacked by a couple of planes without ANY dedicated AAA you are in big trouble. With at least some AAA you stand a chance. So it is doing something smile.gif


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You know Matt wink.gif. He made a couple of scenarios in which the Germans had virtually no AAA which were just Allied killfests and then he made one in which the Germans have lots of AAA in which the Germans wreaked havoc wink.gif.

He sent them to me and they are pretty fun actually wink.gif.

One interesting point was that in that convoy attack scenario he took pics of in which the Germans had about 3 or 4 2mm FlaKvirlings I ended up with 5 kills after only about 10 turns so to say that German FlaK isn't working is a major understatement.

I'm really looking forward to hitting back at those Jabos wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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