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OmniGroup to port mac OS games to Mac OS X

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Oh that's right, everybody give all their source code to OmniGroup. How charitable of them to accept it.


...the pilot was able to circle and make a safe belly landing. According to O'Neal, 'this guy jumped out and ran up to me, shouting, "Give me a gun, quick! I know right where that Kraut s.o.b. is and I'm gonna get him".'

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Hey there David Aitken...

I was'nt sure if you were being completly sarcastic or just a little bit.

I wrote the post so that maybe BTS would see it. My hope was that mb they would want to contact OmniGroup. My hope was to see if BTS would be interested in getting CM ported OS X.

BTW, OmniGroup is a not widely known but very reputable software group who have been involved in Next step programming for a number of years. The company as far as I can see is solid and trustworthy and do not intend to ripoff any software company.


I also thought that since BTS has stated that there will be no immediate build of an OS X compatible CM, then maybe they would welcome a third party to do it for them. I laso believe though, that even if build was made for OS X it would be made in a patch form made available via the internet. This was done with quake III. This way you need to own the original copy of CM. Your not downloading the whole game just a patch to make it work with OS X. So no ripoff of CM is possible this way. You will still need the original CM CD to make it work. No matter what.

Again as I stated before, I thought this might be a viable option for BTS since we all know that they are hard at work on the next patch of CM. And then I presume will be conentrating their efforts mostly to CM 2.

So my intention was not to ripoff anybody. I just simply wanted BTS to be aware of OmniGroup. This way they can make their own decision on what to do about OS X compatability.

I hope this is a bit more clear to you now.

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Well, I would suspect BTS (read: Charles) will do this themselves when he feels so inclined. Since CM is cross-platform already, I suspect much of the code is platform-agnostic as is. That being the case, he could just slide OS X code under the rest of the game code. The thing is, OS X will have such a small installed base for a while, that it probably won't be worth his while. Anyway, I suspect CM will run in classic by the time OS X ships (there's problems with the RAVE shim in OS X Beta, currently).

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