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Greetings all,

I have been a lurker here for some time. Rarely do I post and lately I have not even spent a lot of time reading because of the obvious transgression of this board.

When I first stumbled across CM, prior to the beta demo release, I followed this board with a fervor. I gleaned many useful tips and have implemented them into my reasonably successful tactics thus far. I often chuckled at the humor of the old hands as they sparred. I admit, I was even one of the refresh-monkey types on the night of "The Thread".

Tonight I decided to check out the board again as I waited for turns to roll in. I have to say I am aghast. This board was created with a purpose, I fear that has been all but lost. I am not saying that there is not a wealth of information to be gained by the prospective CM player but attempting to sort through all of the accumulated BS tends to leave a sour taste in ones mouth. What does the person, such as myself, that stumbles across this board gain? I have to wonder if I would have pre-ordered on blind faith if this is what I had been greeted with.

I whole heartedly support Steve and Charles in their banning of ANYONE who uses this board to act like an idiot and spout useless rhetoric. Let us all remember the power we hold while posting on this board when it comes to influencing propsective CM players.

Eben Bratcher

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Well Bratch, it seems you feel the same way as I hope most of us do. I´ve been away for a couple of months and then I come back to this, I honestly don´t recognize this forum anymore. Let´s just hope things can return to "normal" again. And it would truly be a shame if potential CM customers would be scared of because of this messageboards last incidents.

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Let's get something straight here, guys, this "What would the customer think?!?!" approach is as stupid as when Bush/Gore say "What would the children think????" People are going to buy CM regardless of the shape of the forum, which is actually quite healthy. This one ugly experience happens all the time on every message board for ever and ever. But maybe you're talking about the silly, irreverent, off-topic stuff. That's a result of CM being so damn good. There's very little left to talk about that hasn't been answered and most of us are milling about between PBEM games. There won't be a real serious CM discussion majority until CMMC starts up, at which point people will debate tactics, CMMC rules, CM in relation, etc. So hey, don't worry about it and don't lay on the "Oh the humanity" stuff so thick.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 09-04-2000).]

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I was in fact referring to the rodents. Everyone knows that it´s the RATs and not the HAMSTERs that rule all the universe. But of course they prefere to rule in secrecy so they just send the hamsters out to create a diverson until the real masters of the Cesspool arrives. And not to mention the cows and the ozelots. You guys had no idea what you where up against where you???

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Guest Michael emrys

For once Elijah is right (how'd that happen? wink.gif). Message boards always seem to go through this evolution, especially when a company brings out a good product or otherwise the word gets out that there is a cool place to hang out. Lots of people begin showing up, including the riff-raff. Then for one reason or another people begin drifting away, some to get on with their life, some to find a new scene. What happens after that depends on the sponsoring company.

Frankly, I'll be just as happy when things settle down a little and we can begin to concentrate on the development of CM2. Mostly (by far mostly, I should emphasize) I've enjoyed meeting all the new folks who have shown up in the last two or three months. I hope some of them stick around and the rest come back from time to time to check in and say howdy.

But if for a few months the board were to distill itself down to those who have a deep and abiding interest in the development of the game, I can see a silver lining in that too.

So to those who feel inclined to check out for a while, I say Godspeed, good hunting, and feel welcome to come back when the spirit moves. For the ornery bastards who refuse to surrender their turf, roll up your sleeves, get out the reference books and get to work!


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Guest Big Time Software

We don't have the ability to do that. Closing up a thread is not censorship, it is just an expression that the discussion is no longer relevant or welcomed here under the terms of the BBS Agreement. With the rate of postings a closed up thread quickly moves well away from prying eyes, so it in the end acheives the same end goal.

And now I close up this thread in the interests of putting this mess behind us. All that needed to be said about it has been smile.gif


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