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Little help with scenerio editing

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Hello all,

I have done a few searches on the search engine and just looked through the maunal and can't find an answer to this, if it is anywhere and I have just missed it can you point me in the correct direction?

I am creating a small scenerio, German attack on an Allied defence. The map is almost finished (just tweaking terrain) and I have begun to experiment with troop placement. My difficulty is that no matter what changes I have made to the placement zones the Germans appear on the Eastern edge in a line and the Americans on the Western edge in a line.

I imagine that I am just missing something very simple, but a quick poke in the right direction would be very helpful as I am pulling my hair out over this. Probably a case of not seeing the wood for the trees?

Thanks in advance.

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In map editor click preview, then click on each unit and manually place it in the location or zone you want. The set-up phase would then begin with those placements which, of course, can be adjusted by the player.

I had same problem, and Wild Bill set me straight.

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That drove me crazy too Gashford, turns out it's mentioned in one sentence on pg. 118 of the manual, but the wording is a bit vague, IMO. Not knocking the great manual, BTW, it's one of the best I've seen. It's just very difficult to get everything right in something that size.


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