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Demo problem

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hello, i downloaded the demo 3 days ago and i have troubles playing Axis in the "encounter" mission.

what to do vs the 5 shermans?

is there any small walkthrough or something like that for demo missions? im not sure to order the fullgame when i cant understand the manual correclty and need to pay the US dollars and shipment for Europe.



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There's no walkthrough, per se, but you have found your way to the greatest repository of CM wisdom in existence. First off, the game is definitely worth it, so I advise to to go ahead and order. As far as the StuGs go, consider these points about StuGs vs. Shermans.

1. The StuG has a higher-velocity gun than the Sherman and is therefore more accurate.

2. The StuG has no turret, and thus cannot effectively shoot at a target more than a few degrees away from its front.

3. At close range as seen in Chance Encounter, StuGs and Shermans are quite capable of killing each other - most shots will likely be kills.

Given this, try to do the following. Keep your tanks together, so you can hopefully take on single Shermans with all three. Don't fight extended engagements - both gunners will get more accurate the more times they fire at the same target, so in order to maximize your advantage of better first-shot accuracy, move just into sight, fire a couple shots, and reverse back out of sight. Use smoke to blind some of the Shermans so you can take them on a few at a time.

However, since the odds are 5:3, most likely the StuGs will die without taking out all of the Shermans. You then need to use your Panzershreck teams and the Panzerfausts carried by your infantry to take out the others.

Well, there's my advice. Others can probably say more, but this should give you a start.


Questions, comments, arguments, refutations, criticisms, and/or sea stories?

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BTS isn't kidding when they say you have to unlearn what other games have taught you. Stick to real-life tactics, and you should do OK if your luck holds.


Don't scroll down if you don't want to learn too much about the scenario.































I generally play as the Allies, so I may not be much help. Regardless, I think the Germans are in a rough spot in this scenario, especially if it is your first time through and you don't know what you are up against. I can win as the Germans, but it requires me to rush my StuGs forward into ambush positions. Also, keep your infantry in the woods and make the Americans fight you at close range, since your SMG squads are deadly in close.

Don't fall for the myth of American armor inferiority. If you go head-to-head against the American armor, you are outnumbered and will lose. You are generally fighting the Shermans at less than 400 yards, and their guns can easily penetrate the StuGs' armor. You will also learn that turreted tanks have a big advantage on the advance over assault guns. If you lose your armor, the Shermans have a lot of HE to grind your infantry down. I've pulled a draw in that case by staying in the woods and knocking out as much infantry as I could as they came in after me.

If I had to play this scenario as the Germans without any knowledge of what I was up against, I would probably lose.

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Something of a spoiler - so if you don't want to know don't scroll down


















when playing Axis group your stugs on your left during set up - embark support weapons - such as MG42s and Panzerschrecks on-board.

Also move across to the left a couple of HQ units and SMG and HSMG squads.

Run this lot up the left flank - crossing the road and heading up the rise to the woods - during this process hope like hell the Shermans are advancing more slowly than you and don't catch you with your pants down.

Once you reach the woods get your troops in foward support positions (in the woods) and advance two of your stugs the the right - keeping a low profile - usually a Sherman or two will come over the ridge at you - knock em out - you should bag a couple more before your stugs get taken out. Get your schreks in good firing positions.

Keep your third stug in reserve.

you can beat the AI americans when they have a +75% or greater modifier.

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Degrees of Frost emphasizes my point. The Germans can win, if they remembered to bring a crystal ball. The tactics required for them to win should mean defeat and a court martial for the commander (separating armor and support weapons from infantry on purpose; dashes into unknown, unscouted territory with the enemy nearby), but they will work when you know what to expect.

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