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Different way to play scenarios...

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This may have been mentioned but here goes. I played a pbem game with these setup rules:

Chance Encounter: Americans setup on their far left and Germans setup on their far left.

These altered starting positions cause the attcks to come from different angles and diagonally across the board. It created new lines of sight and angles of attack making it feel like a brand new scenario(if we used our imagination and squinted our eyes....lol)

Rather fun for a scenario we all know so well.

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Heres another way to play, get at least 4 friends, (this works best on last defense) put each friend in charge of a platoon of infantry and a couple of machineguns. You can only talk to each other before the game and during the 60 second action phase. When one person is ordering their platoon around, look away so you don't know exactly where the person is ordering the platoon.


The names Ash, Housewares

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