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Real life bug

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Yup. This is a real life honest to goodness bug,seen only after upgrade to 1.5. Works like this. Run a turn. Full one minute of action, nothing seems amiss. Now try to replay the video and watch the action a second time. So - Hit START. Time goes back to zero. BUT, units do not return to their starting positions but just sit where they were after 60 secods had expired. Hit PLAY. Time changes to a wierd notation, lools something like 0.024034e45 and slowly counts up at he last digit of the wierd number. Units that had movement orders continue on ahead. Some opposing units do weird things like run in circles. Many units just sit still, no firing from anyone. Definitelt not a reply of prior action. Fortunately, to fix this all I have to do is hit BACK twice and time returns to Zero and the replay is executed normally. After that the replay runs OK. Happens every turn since I upgraded. Anybody else sen this??

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I would think a bug in the true sense of the word would be something that everyone would notice. I have played movies over and over again during recent PBEM and AI games. Never once had a problem. My guess is there's something going on with your specific machine and the game, but to label it a "bug", eh, I dunno.

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You said that in order to watch the turn again you'd hit Start? I assume you mean Play?



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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Guest Big Time Software

Not sure if this would do it, but are you using a save from 1.03 or so with 1.05? It certainly sounds like a true problem, but it doesn't appear to be reproducable. I mean, 1.05 has been out for almost 2 weeks and this is the first report, so I suspect something rather "unique" going on with your setup. If you figure it out, please let us know smile.gif


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Guest Michael emrys

Possibly a corrupt file in your folder? Might try trashing the entire game (especially including the preferences) and re-installing.


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