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T'was The Night Before Xmas CM Style :-)

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T'was The Night Before Xmas

and all around the house

no sounds of war echoing

not even the feverish clicking of my worn out mouse

The Arty Fell Quiet, no bombings by air

my troops stood still not making a peep

quiet too was my foe, who attacked yesterday with his pesky tank killers, and spotted with big ass arty from a jeep

When out on the battlefield there arose a loud roaring cheer

one not caused by naked women, or even a few keg of beer

Up on the horizen I saw the damndest thing

A fatguy in a red coat and wooly looking red hat waving a white flag

well surely one would think he's nuts at first

Driving a sleigh between the lines

and the coat kinda made him look like a fag

That was of course until he got closer and turned out to be old St Nick.

The mood among all troops quickly turned from glum to cheer

like agesless children, who dreamt they were anywhere but here

He stopped and greeted all, gave them candy and a few kind caring words

Germans and Americans Side by Side

an image so lovely it almost made me cry

My Tigers roared up and parked on their flank

A crew quickly unloaded and sprung out a cooked huge turkey

and placed it upon their tank

A tree was quickly put up, decorated with bullets and grenades

the new mod'd tree made it so festive, we even held a parade

if only this laughter could last through the night

So as the fat guy quickly faded

so too would this night

for tomorrow I go looking again

for another online fight

to even my score which now stands

well at the moment 1-3

but I have high hopes and maybe tomorrow

I'll have another joyful victory

So until then I bid all a good night

wishing everyone a merry christmas

until our paths cross

putting you in my site

So from my front to yours

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All

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