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bug in force handicap

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choosing quick battle

with allied attacker

small map

use handicap +25% for attacker

start game

window appears saying that the attacker has

+ 125% forces

when choosing +10% I get +110%

choosing +75% gives +175% and so on

anyone else experienced this??

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I think what this means is that 100% would be your normal amount of forces and that any thing over is the percent you add. You could probly test this by doing a quick battle with the FOW off an seeing how many forces show up. Once at normal an once at extra.


Thanks for Athskin!


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Yes the system is working correctly---its just that when selecting, you are offered- "+ 25% or"+ 50%".But later when confirming your forces it states you have "125%" or "150%" of original force. They mean the same thing.

I really dont know why programmers have to confuse us so much----there is no need-----problems-- problems --problems

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