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How to make my squads return fire when fired upon

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Heya guys,

I have encountered a problem in most of my PBEM games which is taking a heavy toll on the lives of my men.

This mostly occurs in forests, but sometimes in open areas too. In open areas however, I take care to move my men only with covering fire present, while in forested areas this isn't possible.

So I am moving a platoon through a forest, and suddenly gun fire opens. Instead of doing the sensible thing by hitting the dirt and returning fire, my squads walk on past and often take heavy casualties because of this. I tried all manners of moving, from crawling to sneaking, yet nothing works. Is this a gltich, or is there a command I can issue to make my men return fire when fired upon instead of moving on as if nothing is happening?

I hope someone can help me with this problem.

Thanks In advance!


...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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The 'Sneak' command is supposed to do that, but I haven't used that command much. I usually use move and that works to an extent.

I believe this phenomenon still needs tweaking. To me they break or route too easily.

Actually, all this seemed to work better with the original Gold Demo v1.0.

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

Thats not a problem. Thats called recon by combat, hehehe. Its tough balancing out when to have your troops just MOVE to your destnation or RUN, or sneak. You don't want them walking out in the open, but you don't want them tired when they reach the enemy. Yeah, maybe split your squads, and use the 4 man team without demo charges or Panzerfausts to do the recon for you. Thats the cheapest way I found to do it.

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