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Something New Coming Tonight! Tease for now...

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This is to tease, but I'm fast at work again on some new pages to try to get a new mod up tonight. Its a new vehicle mod, but I'm not saying what yet, or from whom, but I think you will be surprised.

Visit back later tonight (12:00pm EST) or early tomorrow morning and check for a new mod to add to your CM pleasure.

Hint: Its a vehicle. Oh, I already said that. smile.gif


Garry Kump

Kump's CM Outpost

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What web authoring software do you use?

EDIT: You may want to configure your links so that they don't close your website when clicked on.

[This message has been edited by Pillar (edited 11-04-2000).]

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Guest Lord General MB


Kump, your site is exellent! Very nice mods... and I love the comparisons you make with other mods! Permotion to Lt. APPROVED! (PS, not may in the 1rst army become LT. just like that... trust me I know).

BTW: How about some kind of Mod guide? You know... What you sugest are the mods to install....etc.



Lord General Mr. Bill,

1st Army

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